Complete the following courses with a "C" (2.0 GPA) or better: ENG 102, SPCH 100, TE 100, and TE 204 or TE 206 (both TE 204 and 206 must be completed prior to student teaching). Music Education students will take MUS 201/109 instead of TE 206.
Establish and maintain a 体育菠菜大平台 overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. (A minimum GPA of 2.50 is required for students on catalogs prior to 2013-14.)
Undergraduate students must declare an education major. If you need to change majors, a Program Change form is available on the 体育菠菜大平台 website. If you have questions about this form, contact the Registrar's office at 308-865-8527.
Establish the absence of any criminal conviction that would prevent you from receiving a Nebraska teaching certificate (Rule 20) and provide evidence of sufficient emotional and mental fitness (Rule 21). You will satisfy this requirement in TE 100GS. If you have transferred in TE 100GS, please see the Educator Certification Office.
Important: If your Rule 20 and/or Rule 21 status changes, you must inform the Educator Certification Office immediately and provide court papers when available. Failing to do so may cause your admission to Teacher Education to be delayed or revoked. Furthermore, if you do not inform the Educator Certification Office of a conviction (Rule 20) or an order of determination (Rule 21) before it is discovered on your student teaching background check, student teaching may be delayed or denied.